“The Black Parade”
Track listing
1. "The End."
2. "Dead!"
3. "This Is How I Disappear"
4. "The Sharpest Lives"
5. "Welcome To The Black Parade
6. "I Don't Love You"
7. "House Of Wolves"
8. "Cancer"
9. "Mama"
10. "Sleep"
11. "Teenagers"
12. "Disenchanted"
13. "Famous Last Words"
The third album“The Black Parade”was released in 2006. This album is the most impressive album of them. This album is concept album. A man is about to die because of cancer. When death comes for him,“The Black Parade”comes and carry him to the land of the dead. And he looks back over his career. This story is talked by 12 songs. This story is moving. Of course this story is good; the music is very impressive too. In this album, they were influenced by QUEEN's music style. This album, there're many big chorus like QUEEN. So this album is very dramatic.
My Chemical Romance began The Black Parade World Tour on February 22, 2007.
My Chemical Romance came to Japan and performed on the stage at Nihon Budokan on May 29.
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